hydraulic and manual single Boom Crop Sprayers for produce farmers
Penns Creek Mfg. is a small family owned & operated manufacturing business in central Pennsylvania. Penns Creek began back in 1987 when, unable to find a sprayer on the market like he wanted, Ben Oberholtzer built his own high pressure single boom sprayer.
This first sprayer needed some improvements so another model was built. Several sprayers were built for neighbors as they saw the benefits of high pressure in vegetable crops. Demand and production grew quickly through the years as farmers realized the advantages of the high pressure single boom design.
Improvements have been made through the years but the basic concept of our sprayer has remained the same. Hydraulic leveling was added with a shock absorber suspension system. All models have boom height adjustments to spray everything from melon to sweet corn crops. Freshwater rinse systems and rear nozzles to spray drive rows are popular options. A high quality Italian made John Blue diaphragm pump comes standard capable of 28 gpm and 218 psi. Poly hose comes standard with 560 psi rating.
Sprayers are now available in 200 300 and 400 gallon configurations. In 2014 a hydraulic folding 400 gallon model was introduced with innovative airbag boom suspension with shock absorber. All this works together to create a boom that rides like a Cadillac. To see how our sprayers perform in the field please watch our video clips. Please call with any questions. We are striving to meet the needs of fruit and vegetable growers. We can tell you which sprayer is right for you since we are vegetable producers as well.
Manual Boom
Hydraulic Boom

Single Boom Manual Sprayer
Built for vegetable growers by a vegetable grower.
This sprayer is designed to be affordable for
the small to medium sized grower.

Single Boom Hydraulic Sprayer
With the single boom hydraulic sprayer, spraying is no longer a chore! Hydraulic fold allows operator to remain on tractor seat from start to finish.

Single Boom Sprayer
It’s the way to go!
WHY A SINGLE BOOM crop sprayer?
You may ask why a single boom crop sprayer? There are several advantages to this design. It Allows you to spray the entire field without folding the boom at the field ends. Since we are not equipped with eyes in the rear of our heads it is much easier to level and control one boom than two. Also it provides 50 feet of crop coverage between drive rows for a fraction of the cost of a 60 ft. boom sprayer.
You may also ask why a front mounted boom sprayer? The main reason is with the boom 6 ft. closer to the tractor it is much easier to cover field ends without backing up or shortening rows. Through testing years ago we discovered that a front mounted boom has considerably less up and down motion than a rear mount. This is due to the mounting point being halfway in between the tractor and sprayer axle. All this contributes to a much smoother riding boom in the field. Another benefit is better vision of the boom for leveling control. This also allows folding the boom to the rear for transport for no tractor interference or vision obstruction.